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T1diabetic for 25+ years. 2 successful pregnancies. Teacher of high school math. Married. Love to cook, strive to be healthy and happy, love my pets, love to garden,...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday and ? for T1's

A reading of 65 upon waking this morning.

Question for T1 diabetics: How many of you have had a colonoscopy?  How was your diabetes handled with the fasting?  Since I turned 50, my doctor wants me to get this test, but I have some real concerns.

Have a great Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. I had a colonoscopy several years ago (I just turned 52 yesterday). If memory serves me correct, I had a liquid diet IE broth, jello and soda pop. No milk or dairy. I can't remember much more than that. I talked to the dr who performed the test and he was trying to show me what he was seeing... problem was I can't see too far without my glasses!
