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T1diabetic for 25+ years. 2 successful pregnancies. Teacher of high school math. Married. Love to cook, strive to be healthy and happy, love my pets, love to garden,...

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Last night I had 3 bouts of low blood sugars!  Unbelievable!  I couldn't eat enough and have no idea why this happened.  This morning I had another incident and ate too much.  It seems I can't win.  So frustrating and no rhyme or reason.

I hope everyone else is having a good Saturday!

As the day progressed, my blood sugars continued on their roller coaster ride, up and down, all day long.  It really takes it out of me and makes it hard to persevere to do anything for the day.  I just felt like laying around all day.

Thank God, my husband is understanding.  I love him.  He has to put up with so much.  Hopefully tonight and tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

  1. I so can understand. I had a day like that one Friday. My blood sugar just wouldn't raise. I ate the right things and still it kept dropping. I had to go to the store, so that was "fun". My husband offered to go, but I wanted to get some things. So I got my sugar up to 90 and went. By the time I was finished shopping (an hour!) it was down to 55. I really hate those days.
