About Me

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T1diabetic for 25+ years. 2 successful pregnancies. Teacher of high school math. Married. Love to cook, strive to be healthy and happy, love my pets, love to garden,...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day 2012

A new day and many new readings.  At least the day began on a good note, but the trend of my bg was rising steadily.  I gave extra insulin for breakfast since I have real issues with dawn phenomena and liver glucose with eating.  The two combined can be awful and set a vary bad trend for the day.

Today I have my first riding lesson and it is raining.  I plan to get to the barn around 12:30 to get the trailer ready, get Boots ready and load the horses.

I must find a replacement protein bar for the kind trainer who gave me on last week when I dropped low and had no food plus the soda machine was broken.  I have looked at 2 grocery stores and a health food store for a bar by Nature Valley called Recharge and the flavor being cherry dark chocolate.  It is very good.  I think today I will look at Sheetz for this so I can pay her back.

Tomorrow I drive to Silver Spring to turn over my disability papers to the lawyer.  I need to get this over with and pray that this decision is the right one.

Have a SUPER day!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Life is pretty good.  My blood sugars are substantially more stable.  I have really focused on reducing carbs, especially processed carbs.

The American Diabetes Association gave me a call from a legal advocate.  This person gave a me a list of lawyers to contact for assistance with my disability forms and filing.  Of the 4 that I contacted only one responded and seems to want to do everything over the phone.  I am skeptical since I have not dealt with legal issues before and it is hard to trust.  A friend said he will try to help and speak to a lawyer friend for someone who he would recommend for this type of issue.  I hope this lawyer has heard of the lawyer I am using or will suggest someone even closer geographically to me.  I really want to get this turned over to a professional and filed so I can get an answer.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Last night I had 3 bouts of low blood sugars!  Unbelievable!  I couldn't eat enough and have no idea why this happened.  This morning I had another incident and ate too much.  It seems I can't win.  So frustrating and no rhyme or reason.

I hope everyone else is having a good Saturday!

As the day progressed, my blood sugars continued on their roller coaster ride, up and down, all day long.  It really takes it out of me and makes it hard to persevere to do anything for the day.  I just felt like laying around all day.

Thank God, my husband is understanding.  I love him.  He has to put up with so much.  Hopefully tonight and tomorrow will be better.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Good morning!  I am mentioning a wonderful page on Facebook called TypeOne DiabetesAwareness.  A lot of questions and conversations occur on this page that are very helpful.  The website is   http://type1diabetesawareness.org/   Here is a description:  Type1DiabetesAwareness.org is a website that was started in November 2011 that aims to raise awareness for type 1 diabetes. The tag line is Bringing Unity to the Type 1 Community. The website is managed by an individual with a connection to type 1 diabetes. The website is not affiliated with any medical organization nor does it give medical advice. Although only 5-10% of all diabetics have type 1, that still makes up millions of people all over the world that have this autoimmune disease. The website prides itself on having accurate information. It offers a forums section where several type 1 related topics are listed which is beneficial to those that live with this disease on a daily basis. It provides those an outlet to discuss very important topics. Managing type 1 diabetes can costs hundreds of dollars each month without health insurance. Unfortunately, many people can not afford it and need help. The website also offers a programs/info section that directs those in need on where to find assistance with insulin, blood glucose meters and test strips, blood ketone meters, lancing devices, assistance for those on an insulin pump, and information about type 1 diabetes. There is also a pump comparison chart listed to help those trying to find the right insulin pump. The purpose of this website is to bring people with type 1 diabetes together as well as their families and friends. It is a place to learn and share real life experiences with others that understand. The website also promotes awareness of type 1 diabetes.
On another note, I contacted ADA about my job issues and disability.  They are so kind and helpful.  I was given a list of lawyers who are well versed in disability claims and cases.  I plan to call some of them today.

Have a great day!

Well, it is 11:47 pm and I am up treating a low blood sugar, ugh!  I went to sleep at 10 pm.  Such is life with this disease!