About Me

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T1diabetic for 25+ years. 2 successful pregnancies. Teacher of high school math. Married. Love to cook, strive to be healthy and happy, love my pets, love to garden,...

Monday, August 27, 2018

New Lifestyle

Good morning!  I really have not posted much on here.  I started Tumbler, but am not sure I like the format.  Anyway, I thought I would touch base and update.

Most of you know I began my own business.  It took me a long time to understand it since I have never been a part of something like this.  I also saw SO MANY people becoming successful, that I knew I could learn.  Through the struggles, skepticism, and my own skewed way of thinking, I have finally been able to overcome so much.  I am a better person due to my diligence with continuing to grow and learn because of my business.  The best is, I get to help others do the same.  Coaching has ALWAYS been a love of mine.

The business is two fold, health and wellness coach AND a coach to help people build their own business.  In the health sector, we teach people how to eliminate processed foods, and foods that cause inflammation and introduce clean eating as well as supplements that are packed with nutrition.  Due to being a T1 Diabetic, I had a lot of concern about trying this lifestyle, but knew if I wanted to do this business, I had to give it a try.  So, January, 2017, I began, and have lived this lifestyle 80-90% of the time.  I sleep better, have more energy, my blood sugars have stabilized continually and my cholesterol has reduced.  I have reduced my 10 mg of Celexa to every other day (or less) and I have stopped the statin I was prescribed.  I did not have weight to lose, but I was storing toxins in fat cells.  Those pockets of stored fat/toxins have disappeared.  I have learned so much about myself and am absolutely loving coaching and sharing the gift of health with others.  

Now, I can coach about internal and external health since my business is the #1 company for Health, both internal and external, in the world!  I can grow this business, currently, in 7 countries (and we continue to grow).  If you are ever considering a lifestyle change to take a hold of your life and take responsibility for your health, please reach out.  I am excited to help so many!v

Here is my website:


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